Uncertainty is everywhere. As a business owner, you face a treacherous, uphill battle on your path to success. Even with good intentions, you can expose your business to a multitude of business risks.
How can you overcome and keep fighting the good fight? You should consider getting umbrella business insurance.
Umbrella Insurance Is Your Secret Weapon
Statistics show one-third of small businesses face lawsuits. In 2011, companies with less than $1 million in revenues spent $86 billion battling lawsuits. In 2012, the average employee lawsuit cost $250,000. 
Lawsuits with many plaintiffs are usually even more expensive. A lawsuit can easily exceed your general liability limits on a business policy.
Umbrella insurance takes effect after you’ve exhausted your general liability limits. It is the safety net you need when it looks like the sky is falling. Instead of paying settlements with your money, you can usually rely on your umbrella insurance policy.
It Prevents Gaps in Your Insurance Strategy
Having the right type and amount of insurance is a strategy many business owners should follow.
If you fit into this category, then commercial umbrella insurance is a must-have. Let's face it, you don’t have the time to find and buy every type of insurance policy your business needs. Your commercial umbrella insurance can bridge some of these gaps.
Umbrella Business Insurance Saves You Money
Insurance policies usually protect you from spending your business revenues. As such, you don’t have to worry about maintaining a large contingency fund or about spending your profits in the event of a lawsuit.
Commercial umbrella insurance saves you money by preventing you from spending it. In turn, you can reinvest in your company and watch it grow.
Umbrella Insurance Makes Your Business More Agile
Many business risks are so new you may not know they exist. We have yet to see the extent of liability issues concerning drones and data breaches. Your umbrella insurance policies may help you cover those unidentified risks. In that respect, your business becomes agile. It can now be capable of dodging a variety of business pitfalls.
Get More for Less with Umbrella Insurance
Commercial umbrella insurance is relatively inexpensive compared to the coverage you get. Policies that extend coverage by millions can sell for a relatively insignificant amount. With the cost of umbrella insurance being affordable, you can’t afford to go without coverage.
If you’d like to learn more about commercial umbrella insurance, give us a call. Our licensed insurance agents are happy to answer your questions and give you a quote.
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